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  • Writer's picturethecbsltd

It’s not all work and no play even for a bookkeeper

The reason being today is the day the green opens at Gerrards Cross Bowling Club (GXBC). So thanks to Kirk and his green keeping team hard work and the members that took part in the recent clean up the club is ready for the season ahead.

So during lock down the number of days had been counted down to the start of the new season, now I will be able to get away from Thecbsltd and forget about bookkeeping, VAT Returns and final accounts for a couple of hours. With the government road map out of covid staying on track and with Bowls England guidance hopefully this year’s competitions

from club up to national level will go ahead.

But that is not the only reason to take up bowls there is the social side albeit with covid restrictions and the ability to get out in the fresh air for some gentle exercise. So during lock down if you where looking to try a new skill why not contact your local bowls club to give it a try, initially, all you need to play are some flat soled shoes - shoes without ridges or studs on the bottom.

Whatever new skill you wanted to try do not waste the British summer thinking about it. Let me know what you new skill you are going to try, if you haven’t already.

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